Democratic Republic of Congo - Education Quality and Relevance Project Education Quality and Relevance Project 

In September 2019, Whizz Education was awarded a contract to collaborate with the Ministère de ’Enseignement Primaire, Secondaire et Professionnel (MEPSP) as part of the Education Project for the Quality and Relevance of Teaching at Secondary and University levels (Projet d’Education pour la Qualité et la Pertinence des Enseignements aux niveaux Secondaire et Universitaire – PEQPESU). This initiative, funded by the World Bank, supported the implementation of the new mathematics curriculum (programme éducatif du Domaine d’Apprentissage des Sciences – DAS) for the final stage of basic education. Whizz Education’s project aligned with the 2016-2025 Stratégie Sectorielle pour l’Éducation et la Formation (SSEF) being executed by the government to systematically reform the Congolese education system. The project was a 1.5-year pilot to design and implement an Automated Learning Assessment System which harnessed Individualised Learning in 20 schools (5,000 students) in 6 regions of DRC to improve numeracy learning outcomes.

Read more about the project and our contributions to improving numeracy learning outcomes in DRC here. (French version also available here)